Daily Cancer Horoscope November 26 (26/11)
Jun 22 − July 22
Alias: Alias: The Crab
November 26
daily cancer horoscope:
daily cancer horoscope:
Star 9/10
From a young age, were encouraged to ask questions. Think of all the adults keen to impart their wisdom and experience. Of course, we were too young to be able to distinguish what was truthful and accurate from what might have been on par with what emerges from the backside of a bull. Something youre keen to know now relies on you asking a particular question to someone. Allow your wisdom and experience to highlight a less than truthful answer when you hear one.
Read more...Star 10/10
You neednt worry about the welfare of someone at a distance. Whilst you might not be able to see their every move or assess immediately how or what theyre feeling, you can trust that you have no reason to be concerned where theyre concerned. Theyre likely finding their feet in a new environment or might have needed a bit of space to discover something about themselves. They know youre there for them. You can trust that.
Read more...Star 9/10
Sometimes, to identify what we want, we must identify what we know we dont want. In an area of your world, its becoming increasingly clearer what you dont want or have had enough of. A situation or arrangement has enough negativity attached to it without encouraging more. Thats why youre being encouraged to look at what is good or salvageable. What you believe to be bad isnt all bad. Allow coming events to confirm what you can truly appreciate within it.
Read more...Star 8/10
November brings a Supermoon and not just any Supermoon. The one occurring this month is in your solar eleventh house of hopes, friends and long-term goals and marks the start of a powerful and far-reaching new chapter in any of the above. An ending will be obvious but so too will a new beginning. Thats not to say emotions wont run high but coming weeks will bring closure where youve wanted it and make very clear where youre going and possibly with whom!
Read more...Star 10/10
A great deal of emotional energy is at hand due to todays planetary positions, and no one will feel it more poignantly than you! Your natural inclination to take care of others is tapped by this placement and your emotional attachment to people close to you will grow more intense during these few days. To help some of the intense energy dissipate make it a point to get some exercise every day - preferably in the morning.
Read more...Star 10/10
With the planetary energies of the day, you could feel either at the top of the game or suspended in a state of emotional hesitation. Everything begins and ends with our emotions and you are particularly gifted with emotional currency, but you can also become overwhelmed. To counter-act any overwhelm, give yourself the benefit of regular exercise. A regular exercise regimen will keep you out of harms way. Enjoy the feeling of being in great company - yourself!
Read more...Star 8/10
The cosmos could increase the emotional energy between you and your partner. This can energize you or tire you out, depending on the circumstances. Emotional issues need to be discussed with an open heart. Dont hold them in and make yourself ill. Find a way to bridge the gap between inner problems and the way they manifest in your body.
Read more...Star 7/10
While Saturn is moving through your lifestyle zone, you could feel overwhelmed. If this is the case, its also likely that it may be causing you stress. Saturn in this sector can encourage you to take your responsibilities very seriously. And because youre so eager to do a perfect job, you may feel you arent getting the relaxation you need. This has to change. Its very important that you keep your life in balance with opportunities for socializing, complete rest, family bonding time, and creativity. Your work is important, of course, but for health reasons it shouldnt dominate your life.
Read more...Star 8/10
You will be in the mood to host a party, bringing together all the friends who have been a towers of strength and offered help and support over the years. If you are single, then you may also like to invite a few other select characters who may provide entertainments of a more seductive kind. Whatever you do, take care to drop the mask, and be spontaneous.
Read more...Star 8/10
Although you generally like to maintain a quiet and reserved image, right now you will feel encouraged to break with your usual manner and make a decision. If you need to tell someone important how you feel about them, then do it now while you feel in a more assertive mood than you have for some time. But hurry - before the courage disappears as quickly as it arrived.
Read more...Star 7/10
How do you feel about your surroundings? Are they conducive to dating? You have a strong sense of aesthetics, and how your environment looks plays a big role in how romantic you feel. Do something to change your dcor at the start of the week, because it might just improve your love life! The weekend has some emotional rough spots, but once you figure them out it will be smooth sailing. The short-term romantic future looks very promising.
Read more...Star 10/10
Venus visits practical Capricorn on November 11, which is a different energy for you where love is concerned. Youre used to taking the emotional route, but looking at things from a logical perspective has its merits, too. The direct motion of Neptune (your ruler) on November 19 wakes you up to a certain romantic situation that youve been blind to lately, which could ignite a lot of thoughts and feelings. Now isnt the time to act, but start formulating your plan. Venus and Pluto meet on November 25, setting off a series of events that should help you face romantic issues head-on. Dont hesitate.
Read more...Star 8/10
In many ways, you feel very alone in the workplace. You feel like you arent being fully supported by the people around you. Hang in there and remember that you are indeed connected - you have the support of the universe with you at all times.
Read more...Star 8/10
You have a renewed sense of direction. You have more strength than usual. You are making important changes intellectually and spiritually. These personal changes are facilitating a new growth spurt in your work. This is a time for you to move up.
Read more...Star 7/10
This is a powerful time to get things done and advance your position. Many situations that have faced delay or disappointment will at last enjoy progress. This is a lucky time to apply for work in health, service, or skilled trades. For some, its possible that old grudges or resentments will resurface. Co-workers can feel unnecessarily estranged. Any lack of opportunity can seem particularly galling. Be patient and smile!
Read more...Star 8/10
The days around November 14 should be rewarding. Putting the finishing touches on a group project will earn the respect of a powerful executive. Dont be surprised if youre asked to work exclusively for this influential person. Your hard work and perceptive questions make you a valuable asset. If youre job hunting, you may be offered a job toward the end of November. It could be far from ideal, but it will bring in money to cover the bills. Dont invest a lot of emotional energy in this job. A better situation will come along next month when you bump into a former employer.
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