Daily Scorpio Horoscope April 25 (25/04)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

April 25


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 8/10

The greatest or strongest sense of urgency to get a certain plan underway or a project completed is probably coming from you and nowhere else, so try to see the flexibility that might exist within an imminent deadline. The most delightful and reassuring progress will come from being realistic about what needs doing instantly and what can benefit from a bit of time and distance being applied. Focusing on realistic targets is the first step to achieving them.


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

You might be keen to consider what life might be like if you didnt have to walk a straight line or focus intently on meeting certain duties or responsibilities so sensibly and pragmatically. Yet, at the same time, you can experience a strong sense of satisfaction through knowing youre leading by example or doing whatever youre doing in a responsible way. Trust that the way youre taking something seriously is paving the way for it to become less of a burden in the future.


summary scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

Is obsession healthy or unhealthy? Many would argue its the latter thats why you need to detach yourself from what you might be taking too keen an interest in now. If youre able to stand back and resist the temptation to give your all to someone or something, then you will at least be able to gain some objectivity. This week, if you are able to create distance, even briefly, then you will find yourself superbly placed to take small, carefully-measured steps instead of impatient strides.


summary scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

Think of how fun and exciting theme park rides are because of ways in which we have to relinquish control. Were instructed to sit as a protective, padded bar drops into place from above and we then accept were at the mercy of whatever thrills await us. This month, theres much excitement on offer if youre willing to accept you dont have to maintain control over certain situations. Let them take you to where they want to take you. Youre protected in more than one way and ought to trust that your keenness to seize control is only hampering the ride experience.


health scorpio daily

Star 7/10

You take the path less traveled most of the time. Your individualistic nature depends on yourself more than others, and it can get pretty lonely if you doen\t make an effort to socialize and seek out human interaction. However, if you are someone who has considered getting a pet but not done so, ask yourself if now would be a good time. People who own pets generally can\t imagine life without their special companion. They can really brighten up your life!


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

Walking is probably the most under-rated exercise, because it doesn\t require much exertion, and people do it every day. But how much do you actually do it? Do you walk instead of take the bus whenever possible? Do you think 8-10 blocks is \"too far\" to walk? There are serious health benefits from walking: it tones your entire body, you can do deep breathing exercises at the same time, and the body naturally aligns itself when you walk with a straight back and an extended chest.


health scorpio weekly

Star 7/10

Approach your fitness goals like you\re embarking on an adventure that will bring wonderful discoveries. Make use of your dynamic frame of mind to take your health to the next level. It\s time to reflect on your priorities and recover your motivation to be healthy. Don\t give in to moods - be disciplined and happy. You might get some inspiration from certain philosophical beliefs.


health scorpio monthly

Star 7/10

You may be eager to exercise and do what you can to feel good in yourself, but with key planets turning retrograde, you might also notice that your energy dips at times. It helps to pace yourself. It would be very easy to establish a routine that is too demanding, one that you can\t possibly stick to. However, if you can find someone who wants to make the same changes in health and well-being that you do, supporting each other could be the perfect way to reach your goals. You\ll be likelier to keep going through the tough times, too.


love scorpio daily

Star 9/10

You tend to feel safe and secure when dealing with familiar people whom you can ply with love, comfort, and nourishment. Today\s astral configuration brings you a somewhat different experience. You may feel as though someone you meet seems very engaging, yet lacks emotional content. Don\t despair; just start by trying to understand their mind, and soon you will have their heart.


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 9/10

The planetary alignment at play today may unleash a whole army of fantasies about a particular person that you have been in awe of for some time. Yet you only know them from a distance, and have not actually held any kind of meaningful conversation with them. Perhaps this should be your next step, as until you get a more realistic understanding of their true nature, you may be fooling yourself.


love scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

Do you really need a partner to do the things you want to do? No, but it sure would be nice to have someone by your side for the special moments in your life. Your independence doesn\t have to suffer in order to let someone new into your life. Try to adjust to that way of thinking at the start of the week. When a secret admirer makes their feelings known over the weekend, it\s a total surprise. Now what?!


love scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

Your magnetism is irresistible when dynamic Mars trines mysterious Pluto on April 5. Your confidence is off the charts, and why not? Your talents are obvious even though you\d never brag about them. The Sun/Moon trine on April 16 produces a good amount of creative energy, so take advantage of it. Apply it to a relationship you\re having a hard time getting off the ground. Taking a different approach works wonders. You\re under the energy of the Bull from the Sun and Moon on April 26, making you somewhat stubborn. If \"compromise\" isn\t part of your vocabulary, you\ll have a tough time making and keeping dates.


career scorpio daily

Star 9/10

You will feel an underlying current of friction as you move through your workday. This is inevitable. The good news is that this friction will spur you on to accomplish a great deal. It will inspire you to do much more than you thought was possible.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 7/10

You will be in good favor with the people around you and this will most certainly set the stage for a very efficient and productive workday. In general, others are on the same wavelength as you. Yesterday\s confusion will dissolve.


career scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

Your luck is strong now. Networking can help you find a new or better job. Take advantage of any learning or training opportunities. This is one time when you should be able to mix work and fun with few ill effects. Do your best not to overcommit your time or energy. Honestly facing emotional challenges can bring great relief. Often what you fear the most doesn\t even happen.


career scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

Troubling information could come to light on April 10 due to a stressful Full Moon. Although the truth will be upsetting, it will also be liberating. Once you know what\s really at stake, you can make informed decisions. If you hear that your company is in trouble, start looking for another position. You might need to take a series of temporary assignments before landing a steady job. This will be a hidden advantage because you\ll learn what a company is really like before making a long-term commitment. A strong business alliance may be formed on April 26. You\ll enjoy working with a compassionate humanitarian.



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